Minimize risk.
Maximize efficiency.

About us

Kinectify is an AML risk management technology company. Our modern AML platform empowers clients to efficiently manage their risk with real-time intelligence so they can focus on growing their businesses instead of being bogged down by compliance. By connecting AML data in one platform, we break down silos, eliminate blind spots, and surface insights. Our unique approach centralizes customer information, automates workflows, uses advanced analytics, and integrates with leading providers of global intelligence.

We’re revolutionizing how compliance is managed in the gaming industry.

Our advisory services

Kinectify’s advisory services enhance client’s capacity with industry experts who can design and test programs, help clients meet their compliance deadlines, and even allows clients to outsource the day-to-day administration of their compliance programs.

The team

Top technologists and compliance experts converge

Joseph Martin
Joseph is an AML analyst at heart with experience in gaming, cannabis, and banking both on the operator and Fintech side.
Michael Calvin
Mike is a proven technologist and leader with over 20 years' experience across verticals including Fintech.
Derek Ramm
Global Head of Advisory Services
Derek Ramm has extensive experience in the compliance and financial intelligence fields with expertise in both the public and private sectors, providing him with a unique and well-rounded perspective to business challenges.
Sean Topchi
Director, Business Development
Sean is a seasoned gaming AML professional who was the BSA Officer for Morongo Casino Resort & Spa and held AML positions at RSM and Caesars Entertainment.
Perry Ablan
Director, Outsourced Compliance
Perry is a lifer in gaming most recently serving as AML Manager II at Caesars Sportsbook overseeing all nationwide AML operations including 20 AML analysts.
Yury Bencomo
Marketing Manager
Yury is a marketing leader with expertise across digital, product, and content marketing. She has helped scale multiple startups and mentors future female marketing leaders.
Joseph Martin
Joseph is an AML analyst at heart with experience in gaming, cannabis, and banking both on the operator and Fintech side.
Salil Kulkarni
Salil is a deeply technical business executive and people leader with 30+ years of IT and management consulting experience including serving as EVP, CIO, and CTO for Caesars Entertainment.
Scott Peterson
Scott is a long-time entrepreneur having co-founded or partnered in building seven companies and serving as the Executive Director of the Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology at BYU.
Nicole Jantzi
Director & Corporate Secretary
Nicole is an IP expert with over twenty years experience advising and litigating on behalf of some of the biggest players in the technology community and serving as the head of IP of two top law firms.
Dan Fetters
Dan Fetters is a Co-Founding Partner and Co-CIO of Acies Investments, a venture capital fund that specializes in partnering and funding companies in the sports betting, iGaming, esports and sports technology industries.
Seth Young
Seth Young is an internationally known gaming expert with nearly 20 years of experience and a successful track record of continuously being at the forefront of new online gaming technologies and strategies.
Jason Walbridge
Jason Walbridge is a senior gaming industry executive with global operational experience in land-based and online gaming markets. Since 2022, Jason has been a Strategic Advisor to Aristocrat Technologies Inc and their online real money gaming business Anaxi and was previously the Chief Operating Officer of NYX Gaming.

Start growing

Discover how Kinectify can clear the way for you to scale your business.